Selasa, 20 Maret 2012



For all of the people arround the world (lebay),especially for Students,we as The CBC members who care with the advance of education in the world announce you to be carefull with RADIOACTISLEEPY that already happened in this world.This is background radiation because the source of this radiation is a person who has talents and interest to decay her sleepy particle,the people who sit near her will get radiation and they will feel sleepy.This radiation has longest half life decay,because it comes from talent and interest that have been trained all the times.Until now scientist haven't found the way to prevent this radiation.



Selamat datang di blog kami yang belum perpek ini,mohon maap kalau blog kami g' bisa memuaskan anda secara lahiriyah dan batiniyah,karena kita semua tahu bahwa tak ada yang sempurna di dunia yang pana ini (sok berpilosopi),hehehehhe

apapun blognya yang penting tetep KKKKOOOOPPPPLLLLAAAAKKKK